Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well here's the story of this blog's conception. I heard (or read) somewhere once that people who want to be good writers - publishable writers - should write as much as possible, in as many venues as they have available - journals, blogs, social networking, etc. In response to that idea I began my "This is the Story of a Girl . . ." blog, but it did not take very long for me too realize that my life is actually not that interesting (a concept I think most people have to come to terms with at least once in their lifetime) and the blog fizzled out. I also belong to a writing/publishing site called WEbook (www.webook.com/member/Hyperbole) One of the most recent projects I have been involved with attempts to rescue those suffering from writer's block (www.webook.com/project/911-Writers-Block-Challenge). As I have been working on that project, an WEbook's other challenge projects, I have found that the solution to my own writer's block lies in making an attempt to help other people with theirs. I also recently saw the movie Julie and Julia (which I highly recommend, by the way) and two specific ideas (1. breaking writer's block and 2. a year-long blog with a specific goal) fused and exploded, leaving "A Prompt a Day Keep the Block Away" in its wake.

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