Monday, July 19, 2010

Weather Forcast - The Remainder of July

I will be posting a Weather Forcast every month that lists all of the prompts for the month. I was planning to do it at the beginning of this month, but I was out of town so here's what's left of this month:

July 19 -

July 20 - Write a story which puts a new twist on an old legend.

July 21 - Write a story in which a ghost serves as your main character.

July 22 - Use this cliche anywhere in your story: Burn the midnight oil

July 23 - His mood matched their weather; inclement.

July 24 - I need you to understand something before I kill you.

July 25 - Finish this thought: "I didn't go to ____ looking for redemption,"

July 26 - Mark is a thief, but after his third burglary, he is caught by police. Write his story in first person (from Mark's point of view), omniscient point of view (the all knowing, all seeing "God-like" voice), from limited third person, switching between Mark and one of the police officers who arrest him.

July 27 - Create a story using words of one-syllable only, beginning with “From the back of the truck...”

July 28 - Use at least three of these five phrases in a story or poem: "ashes of youth", "nectar thoughts", "ruined feathers", "O Muse", "falling stars and eagles".

July 29 - Sand

July30 - Write a story that starts with: “Like a fish, I spent my summer…” Do not, however, use any of the following words: wet, waves, stream, drink, pond, pool, ocean, water, liquid, swim, creek, deep, float, sea, or flow.

July 31 - When I'm in a neon green mood . . .

The rules have not changed at all - I will still only work on a prompt on the actual day it is for - this is just to make it easier if I miss a prompt. Also, if someone else wants to write ahead, this will enable them to.

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