Friday, September 24, 2010

"Picture This" Month - At the Lake



Response: At the Lake

Went to the lake with Charlotte today.

I rubbed sun screen into her tentacles

on the fish-hooked beaches.

Under her parasol.

I rubbed sun screen into her tentacles -

watched her split personality play

under her parasol

while the breeze rustled her bustle.

Watched her split personality play

music on the keys of the strand

while the breeze rustled her bustle

and tangled up her hair.

Music on the keys of the strand

she played - all the long day -

and tangled up her hair

with little orange fishes and seaweed.

She played - all the long day -

on the fish-hooked beaches

with little orange fishes and seaweed.

Went to the lake with Charlotte today.

Notes: This poem is a phantoum - there's a project organized by mentalmystics that you can check out here: for more phantoums.

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